Sunday, February 7, 2010

Danish Visitors

In the beginning of the week three lovely guests arrived from Denmark along with candy from home, Stryhn's leverpostej (a Danish must-have spread for lunch) and one of these happy fellars. Great!
As our visits in Denmark/Iceland are always rather short, seeing old friends usually means catching up in a few hours, which never really feels like enough. Thus having Jane and Rasmus here for five days was a real treat, which allowed in-depth conversation and lots of time to watch and play with little Jeppe. Speaking of Jeppe, turns out our apartment is not quite baby-proof yet, which among other things meant the little guy had to drink from a shot glass! (picture 1)
After as much sightseeing as possible in the cold winter weather, we were treated with the Viennese speciality Sachertorte, a much talked about chocolate cake at the fancy Sacher Hotel. And fancy it was -- the cake itself probably a bit overrated though.
Tak for besøg til I tre! Det var skønt.

Oversæt til dansk

1 comment:

  1. "Bøh!" siger Jeppe. Vi andre siger TAK fordi vi måtte indtage jeres liv og lejlighed. Det var fantastisk at se jer og jeres hverdag :o) Vi kommer tilbage engang, hvor det hele blomstrer og der er liv i Spittelberg.
    KH Jeppe, Rasmus & Jane.
