Friday, March 19, 2010

Pregnancy Update

Alright, it's time for an update pregnancy-wise. I am now in my 24th week and all is thankfully going smooth so far. My belly seems to growing with rapid speed these days which correlates with a growing appetite. I don't have strange cravings.. except maybe for cracklings [dk:flæskesvær], which I luckily can't find in Austria, as I find them quite disgusting. I did bring two bags with me from Denmark though, and boy were they good :)
Right after we came back from the US I had the big ultrasound, where they check all organs etc. Everything looked good, which was great to hear. At the same time we found out, we are (with 95% certainty) expecting a GIRL. Exciting indeed! Neither of us had any preference in terms of gender, but it makes it so much more real in some weird way that we now know it's a little girl that's in there, and we can refer to her as she rather than it.
Bjarni was not able to come along for the appointment, because of an important meeting at work. We thought about rescheduling, but I was too curious to get the examination over with, so I decided to go alone, even though it's always bit of a chance, if the staff we deal with are understanding of our at times shaky German (the ultrasound happened at the hospital, where I am to deliver, instead of my regular English-speaking doctor, where I usually go for check-ups). The doctor was so so nice though, and we agreed upon speaking in German unless there was something I needed to get clarified in English. Even though we can hope for the midwife, doctor, nurses and whoever else is present to be fluent in English, when the day of the delivery comes, we need to prepare as if that is not the case, which has a resulted in new found motivation to improve our German.

Nowadays she is bouncing around in there, and reminding me several time a day that I'm not alone in this body of mine. It's amazing!

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  1. its a girl :)...

  2. moster HelleMarch 26, 2010

    Nåå første blik af min lille søde niece. Hvor er det fantastisk :0)

  3. iih, hvor hyggeligt med et scanningsbillede :o) Dejligt at alt er fint med jeres lille pige. - Der er vist ingen tvivl om at det er Dortes mund/læber hun får ;o)
    KH Jane.
