Sunday, February 13, 2011


Bjarni has for a while tried to convince me to be open to the possibility of moving back to the US/California after we are done in Vienna. He has lots of convincing arguments lined up, but I still stand firm on my wish to stay somewhere in Europe. Now, somehow, the weather forecast of Los Angeles has been added to my phone. And while I must admit that such a weather forecast looks incredibly tempting on a day, where it is snowing - again (#%$&!!), I still prefer central Europe over California.
(By the way - in case anybody is reading from the US - my choice of Europe over the US is solely connected to me wanting to live in proximity to my family back home. That's the super short argument to a rather complex discussion of ours trying to figure out where to live in the long run. Ayy.. If only one could have the best of both worlds...)

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  1. Hej Dorte :)
    Jeg fik forvildet mig ind på din Blog efter jeg så en kommentar Jane havde smidt inde på FB, men hvor er det skønt at kunne følge lidt med på sidelinjen uden at det hele skal foregå på FB :)
    Der er sket meget siden de gode gamle dage på gym...

    Kram fra Maj, du ved, hende der altid snakkede så forfærdeligt meget ;D ;D

  2. Næh hej med dig Maj! Velkommen til mit lille hygge-projekt her på indernettet. Dejligt at høre fra dig. Knus til dig i Odense

  3. Ja vejrudsigten ser da utvilsomt tillokkende ud, men den kære familie sætter kæmpe STOR pris på at have jer i Europa :)
    Kh fra moster i DK

    ps. god tur til Bjarni
