Thursday, March 24, 2011


It's been a little quiet in here. First I got swamped with school work, and then came an unexpected stay at St Anna Kinderspital with our little girl. This is our 3rd day here, and hopefully we are allowed to go home tomorrow. We are here for observation for epileptic seizures. Yes, quite a scare! But after lots of tests all luckily looks good and it seems like Silja was bopping her head in strange ways over the weekend for other non-dramatic reasons.
Even though a hospital stay is never fun, the staff here is so sweet. I'm especially fond of 'die gelbe Tante' (the yellow aunt), who is (obviously!) dressed in yellow and available to keep a baby entertained while mommy eats, showers etc. We haven't needed her assistance though, as Bjarni is stopping by regularly to help out and hang out.

Anyhow, just wanted to check in. Will be back soon.


  1. Åh nej Dorte. Jeg håber da virkelig for jer, at det ikke er noget alvorligt!!

  2. Håber I snart er hjemme igen. Synd for jer I skulle det igennem, men lyder til at det går den rigtige vej. Knus og tanker fra moster

  3. Hi Dorte,

    Quite a scare indeed! Thankfully all is well that ends well. Glad to hear that the tests were negative!

    Take care,

    (PS: please don't feel pressured to reply to me immediately, take your time since none of the information I need is very urgent)

  4. oh, that must have been so scary for you! i'm so pleased that things turned out okay & that silja is happy and healthy!
    (sorry for late comment, i haven't had any time to read blogs lately & i'm just catching up on some reading). i hope all is going well with the studying etc
