Sunday, November 13, 2011

First Glühwein

It's the season for steaming Glühwein and toasted chestnuts, and it's uuhh so cozy. The first Christkindlmarkts opened today, and we stopped by the one at Altes AKH and snacked our way through brezerls, samosas, amazing Tyrollean pastry (which name I forgot) and toasted in Glühwein and hot chocolate to stay warm. You might as well make the most of it, when you're there... (And I had a carrot for dessert when we came home.)

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1 comment:

  1. Der er også ved at komme julestemning herhjemme med lys og julemarkeder. Jeg er vild med det og vil synke ind i alt med glitter og gløgg.
